AWPA Announces Issue Agenda for September Conference

The AWPA’s Government Relations Advisory Committee has set the agenda for the upcoming Congressional Visits to be held on September 11, in conjunction with the 2019 Government Affairs Conference. We’ll provide the industry data that shows the value of the industry to the US economy. In addition, we’ll have topical material on the following issues:

At the top of the agenda are concerns about the deteriorating wire products markets due to the Section 232 tariffs on the imports of basic steel products. Given that tariffs are here to stay for the foreseeable future, AWPA has been advocating that the steel tariff coverage be expanded to include wire products.

The efforts to pass the USMCA treaty will heat up in September. AWPA will let you know your legislators’ current stance on passage and provide state specific data on the value of a North American supply chain to your state.

The first infrastructure bill is making its way in the Senate. Infrastructure spending would have a very positive impact on the wire and wire products industry.

Research by the Partnership for a More Perfect Union, a program to help citizens have better communications, understanding, and relationships with Members of Congress tells us how important your relationships and visits are:

  1. Direct constituent interactions have more influence on lawmakers’ decisions than other advocacy strategies. In three surveys of congressional staff over a 10-year span, 99% (2004), 97% (2010), and 94% (2015) said that “in-person visits from constituents” would have “some” or “a lot” of influence on an undecided lawmaker.
  2. Congress places a high value on groups and citizens who have built relationships with the legislator and staff. When asked what advocacy groups should do more of to build relationships with the office, 79% of staff surveyed said “meet or get to know the Legislative Assistant with jurisdiction over their issue area” and 62% said “meet or get to know the District/State Director.”
  3. Citizen advocates are more influential and contribute to better public policy when they provide personalized and local information to Congress. 9 out of 10 (91%) congressional staffers surveyed said it would be helpful to have “information about the impact the bill/issue would have on the district or state.” However, only 9% report they receive that information frequently. Similarly, 79% said a personal story from a constituent related to the bill or issue would be helpful, but only 18% report they receive it frequently.

If you have not yet registered for the Government Affairs Conference, or have not signed up to make Congressional Visits – Please do so, TODAY.