US House Wire & Wire Products Caucus

The US House Wire and Wire Products Caucus members are the House Members who have agreed to join the Caucus, currently chaired by Reps. Jim Cooper and Sam Graves.

Jim Cooper photo


Jim Cooper
(Chairs the Committee)

Sam B. Graves photo


Sam B. Graves
(Chairs the Committee)
Office of Sam B. Graves     
Washington, DC

Robert B. Aderholt photo


Robert B. Aderholt
Office of Robert B. Aderholt     
Washington, DC

Brian Babin photo


Brian Babin
Office of Brian Babin     
Washington, DC

Jim Banks photo


Jim Banks
Office of Jim Banks     
Washington, DC

Cheri Bustos photo


Cheri Bustos

André Carson photo


André Carson
Office of André Carson     
Washington, DC

Sharice Davids photo


Sharice Davids
Office of Sharice Davids     
Washington, DC

Charles J. Fleischmann photo


Charles J. Fleischmann
Office of Charles J. Fleischmann     
Washington, DC

Virginia Foxx photo


Virginia Foxx
Office of Virginia Foxx     
Washington, DC

Paul A. Gosar photo


Paul A. Gosar
Office of Paul A. Gosar     
Washington, DC

Brett Guthrie photo


Brett Guthrie
Office of Brett Guthrie     
Washington, DC

J. French Hill photo


J. French Hill
Office of J. French Hill     
Washington, DC

David P. Joyce photo


David P. Joyce
Office of David P. Joyce     
Washington, DC

Marcy Kaptur photo


Marcy Kaptur
Office of Marcy Kaptur     
Washington, DC

Adam Kinzinger photo


Adam Kinzinger

Robert E. Latta photo


Robert E. Latta
Office of Robert E. Latta     
Washington, DC

David Loebsack photo


David Loebsack

Billy Long photo


Billy Long

Blaine Luetkemeyer photo


Blaine Luetkemeyer
Office of Blaine Luetkemeyer     
Washington, DC

Richard E. Neal photo


Richard E. Neal
Office of Richard E. Neal     
Washington, DC

Ralph Norman photo


Ralph Norman
Office of Ralph Norman     
Washington, DC

Tom Rice photo


Tom Rice

Lucille Roybal-Allard photo


Lucille Roybal-Allard

C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger photo


C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger
Office of C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger     
Washington, DC

Terri A. Sewell photo


Terri A. Sewell
Office of Terri A. Sewell     
Washington, DC

Jason T. Smith photo


Jason T. Smith
Office of Jason T. Smith     
Washington, DC

Steve Stivers photo


Steve Stivers

Linda T. Sánchez photo


Linda T. Sánchez
Office of Linda T. Sánchez     
Washington, DC

Mark Takano photo


Mark Takano
Office of Mark Takano     
Washington, DC

Peter J. Visclosky photo


Peter J. Visclosky

Mark Walker photo


Mark Walker

Joe G. Wilson photo


Joe G. Wilson
Office of Joe G. Wilson     
Washington, DC