Legislation & Government Policy

Advocacy activities include encouraging AWPA members to maintain effective relationships with their legislators; participating in industry coalitions; lobbying for and against legislation, administrative policies and regulations that impact manufacturers and the wire industry; submitting comments and testifying at hearings; and working with the US House Wire and Wire Products Caucus.

AWPA members serve on the Industry Trade Advisory Committee for Steel (ITAC-12).

Government Policy

In order to serve as the voice of the industry, AWPA leadership, both staff and members, maintain relationships with government agencies which develop and implement policies affecting AWPA member companies. Some of these agencies include Office of the US Trade Representative, US Department of Commerce, US Customs and Border Protection, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Industry Trade Advisory Committees (ITACs) are a unique public-private partnership jointly managed by the US Department of Commerce and the Office of United States Trade Representative (USTR) that engages business leaders in formulating US trade policy.

The following material reflect the AWPA’s position on current policy concerns of importance to its members:

Annually, AWPA members go to Capitol Hill to meet with their members of Congress to talk about the issues that face the industry.


In support of global competitiveness of AWPA members, the association monitors legislation that might have an impact on the manufacturers in the Wire Industry supply chain. AWPA
members are encouraged to foster and develop excellent working relationships with their Members of Congress.

More than 140 visits are scheduled each year, at which AWPA company representatives discuss issues, provide industry data and inform new legislative staff about the importance of the Wire Industry to the US economy.

The following White Papers, Coalition Letters and other material reflect the AWPA’s position on current legislation of importance to its members: